supposed to had gotten them already. GM Reblin stated he is not getting his license. There was a brief discussion of GM Reblins proposed budgeted salary, reducing it by $5,000 and moving that amount to insurance. Board Member Ridgeway made a motion to reduce General Manager salary by $5,000 dollars and increase Employee Health & Life Insurance by $5,000. Board Member Corbin seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

Board Member Corbin asked about the travel pay for GM, that is for the use of your truck, right? GM Reblin, yes, it is for his truck he pays for his own gas. GM Reblin stated he would rather drive his own truck than have the Authority buy him one.

XIII. Mark Reblin:

  1. Water/Sewer Project Update: GM Reblin gave an update on sewer project, 55 sewer cans have been installed not hooked up, hopefully in August they will have all the components and can start hooking them up. The force main is pretty much done. Board Member Newman asked will these new customers be on line to help contribute to the new budget. GM Reblin answered yes. The sewer plant is just about complete, it should be running by the end of August. GM Reblin stated we are running an average of 56,000 gallons of sewage a day. GM Reblin stated that with this new plant we can handle 150,000 gallons a day and we will have spray fields so we will be able to do about 250,000 gallons a day, we also have acreage for expansion if we need it. Board Member Ridgeway asked about the status of the water meter project, it is out yet, we are talking about just doing the meter replacement first and see where the bids come in at, then do a change order to see how many saddles we can replace, also there is money out there for lead pipe replacement and we have applied for that. Chairman Hart asked the status of the grant for changing the transit out, GM Reblin said it is coming together, that will be the second phase we will do Dixie County side and Riverside.

IX: Mark Logan: None

X. Board Members Request: None

XI. Announcements: The next board meeting will be August 3, 2023.

XII. Adjournment: Meeting adjournment at 6:12 p.m.

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