1. Update on Water/Sewer Projects: GM Reblin stated that we have received about 50% of the Easement Agreements back from the Septic to Sewer Project. He said that Blue Rok/Anderson Columbia have started to install the force main in several areas of the project. Hook-ups for those customers should be starting in a month. As for the Sewer Plant expansion, the last panel is finally in and the plant should be up and running by summer. There may be one more request to extension but that should be the final one before completion.
2. Project(s) Funding Update: GM Reblin asked BBWA Engineer Mike Murphy to give an update on funding for projects. Engineer Mike Murphy stated that three applications were submitted to the Suwannee River Water Management District. Funding for the projects comes from the DEP, but applications must be submitted through the SRWMD. After submission, a request for priority of projects was requested. Board Member Ridgeway made a motion to change the priority list of projects to 1. Jena Septic to Sewer (previously #2) 2. Upgrade to Jena Water System (previously #1) and finally 3. Upgrade to Riverside East & West water mains (previously #3), Board Member Corbin seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
XII. Board Members’ Request: None
XIII. Announcement: Next board meeting April 6, at 5 pm.
XIV: Adjournment: Board Meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm.
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Laura Valentine, Clerk Howard Hart