BBWA July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes pg. 3

  1. speaking as a customer and the other as a board member. Mr. Norwood  stated that at the last board meeting we brought up a section of transite on highway 51 Riverside Drive a very expensive repair. On July 4, water starting erupting out of the ground in several areas on highway 51 north and south side east side of Park Ave. Norwood stated the on call/emergency staff did an amazing job, the staff desperately needs a mini excavator.  The leak was finally found and repaired, the leak was under Park Ave.  Several years ago, we had lots of rain and each time it rained the leak began again. Norwood stated we have got to fix our infrastructure at whatever means possible it has to be done and quit putting it off. Board Member McKinnon agreed stated it will probably pay for itself just for all the loss of water. Board Member Ridgway stated that with this upcoming facility plan it is underway and hopefully will be resolved soon. Chairman Hart asked if this leak was fixed in house? GM Reblin advised our guys along with Mr. Norwood, Sea Hag staff and Espenship had to bring their equipment to repair the leak. Mr. Norwood also stated that he had 23 hotels rooms to be cleaned, 3 ice machines down, the bathrooms were shut down all on fourth of July weekend, this is just some of the impact. Norwood stated that is something that could be avoided in the future. Mr. Norwood stated that as a customer I have a motel unit that is flooded with sewage and this problem has not has been resolved. Mr. Norwood stated that he isn’t sure who he needs to talk to DOT or water department because of the cracks due to the water leaks, I want the water department to test the water in front of my place and the leaks to be fixed, my unit that was flooded with sewage fixed and it not happen again. Board Member Ridgeway asked how much did the new marina have to pay to have the water main replaced and the work done. GM Reblin stated we just got all the billing in and I’m working on the price now. GM Reblin stated they are paying a percentage of it; we are putting in a fire hydrant in and we are paying for a portion. Board Member Ridgeway stated that he would appreciate it if the engineer would get involved. Chairman Hart asked GM Reblin if he knows how much this leak cost us, Reblin stated that our guys worked 6 hours and Espenship billed us for $1,350.

Chairman Hart asked the status of Piddler’s Point, Reblin stated our part is done, we have 1 connection to make. Customer has paid the hook up fees $40,000 the bill was $50,000. There will be additional cost to them, he is paid up on the bill so far. We just picked up another customer on that same line. 


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